Breeding and Population Control

For Fish, the breeding is done in the traditional way i.e, A farmer breeds the fishseeds in his pond and shares the seed with the other farmres and cultures the same seed in his pond.

For shrimp, there can be the Hatcheries for breeding since they need a specific temperature. Some of the hatcheries are present in:

Rearing of seed-hatchling to fry/fingerling stage

Seedling Feed

Method of stocking

Stocking of spawn, fry and fingerlings should be done very carefully to avoid any post-stocking mortality due to shock or infections. To minimize post-stocking mortality the fry/fingerlings should be slowly and gradually acclimatized to the temperature and quality of the water in the stocking pond. To do so, open the mouth of the seed transport bag/container and gradually add the pond water in phases and after 15 - 20 minutes slowly dip and tilt the bag/container in the pond so that the spawn/fry/fingerlings are free to swim out. Stocking should preferably be done in the cool evening hours.

Stocking of grow-out/stocking ponds

After proper preparation, the pond should be stocked with 100 - 150 mm long fingerlings of desired carp species. In case the fingerlings are not available, the pond can also be stocked with advanced fry or early fingerlings in absolutely predator-free ponds. The stocking rate depends primarily upon the volume of water and on the oxygen balance of the pond. Depending on availability of seed and market condition, stocking can be of 3, 4 or 6 species combination in the following ratios.